Freitag, 18. Januar 2008

$tunt R0CK interview

so i guess it´s interview-week here, thanks to meatsock and his addiction (sorry for the pun, i know it´s shitty). following up doormouse is addicts´ stunt rock. so, kudos to the anti-music workshop for the good work, i really enjoyed listening to these interviews.

grab the 56 entertaining minutes here (51 MB, MP3)

here´s what meatsock had to say about it:
"I had a nice conversation with william 'stunt rock' flegal this evening, and we discussed betamax videotape recorders, marsha brady's boobs, and how addict records is run by a secret cabal of breakcore elders. For the die-hard fans, alcoholism, loneliness, impressing girls with breakcore, and why the rave scene is terrible also are featured.

And yes, at 30:17, that is the sound of my zipper unzipping."

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