Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008

a $HITLOAD of free music

73 artists have made 20 to 30 seconds long breakcore tunes to be on this crazy release. More info + tracklist on breakcore.nl

Live-Sets from Schizophrenia II (2007)

Noize Creator
Davros vs. Unibomber

The Artbreaker - Bea Sides EP (2007)
Roughneck ragga-jungle, breakcore, and leftfield broken beat based music.

Enjoy these three free 320kbps MP3s and use as you see fit!

01 - The Artbreaker - “New Kind Of Poetry”
02 - The Artbreaker - “Open Up”
03 - The Artbreaker - “Rrrrun”

[ 35.4MB zip with artwork ]

DJ Donna Summer - J´More (MP3)
55 min. Jumpstyle-Mix blended with some Bmore Club-Music.

Rabbitcore - Cartoon Madness (2007)

01 Sensitive Desire Remix
02 Fairytale Monster
03 Nokia
04 Neuro Holodilnik
05 Cthulhu
06 I Dont Like Heroes
07 Unicorn 49
08 Child 2
09 Japwar
10 Banana
11 Deaf Fm
12 Futurepolice2013

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