Montag, 3. Dezember 2007

AD NOISEAM labelnight

if you are somewhere near r0tterdam this saturday go to the ad n0iseam-labelnight for fucks´ sake!!!! the tickets for this event are available at numerous retail points as well as online via the NGM website.

furthermore ANTISTATIK has some g00dies for you:

Especially for the upcoming Ad Noiseam Label Night, Nicolas Chevreux has recorded a podcast which you can download through the Antistatik website. Antikast 2 gives a wide overview of the music to be played at Antistatik. Next to this, you can download the recordings from the previous edition of Antistatik which were made available on this website. Download the full live sets of Simon Underground vs. Thrasher, Aaron Spectre, Mez, RAM, Torsion and DJ Alternate. Check the blogs at

p.$.: f0r more flyers of past and upcoming breakcore-partys check the flyerboXXX in the sidebar or go directly to our brandnew flickr-account. we won´t be posting about every party in detail from now on.

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